Colegio San José

Colegio San José is located in the centre of Santander. Its education supply covers from Childhood to Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO). Their motto is: “All children and youth deserve a quality education”. They offer personalized attention and a comprehensive quality education supported by teachers with an extensive experience, innovative methodologies and resources. Currently, the school is developing an integrated project of educational innovation (PIIE): San José Radio.

Óscar Arcera is a Maths and Technology teacher at San José School, and Maths part-time lecturer at the Degree in Primary Education Teaching and the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education at the University of Cantabria.  He is also the ICT (Information Communication Technology) coordinator at the school. Currently, he is working on the development of Educational Innovation Programs. Óscar partipated in KIKS and STEMforYouth projects.

Pablo Cañizal is a Maths and Technical Drawing teacher at San José School.