IES Sánchez Cantón

IES Sánchez Cantón School is situated in Pontevedra, Galicia. The number of enrolled students in close to 1000. It is one of the oldest Galician high schools. Apart from the Secondary education, they offer some expert courses on physical activities and sports animation. Currently, Sánchez Cantón School is processing with the Consellería de Educación del Gobierno de Galicia to implement the Common Block for Sports Technical Cycles in the blended modality.

Jose Benito Búa is a Maths teacher at IES Sánchez Cantón. He was leading the implementation of STEM project based learning at Sánchez Cantón Secondary School. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Santiago de Compostela University. He has an extensive experience in European collaborative projects (Xplora, Comenius and eTwinning). He took part in the eTwinning project Goal!, receiving the Spanish eTwinning National Award in the year 2012. He worked in the design of the KIKS project with the Spanish team, and he designed a STEM activity for the STEMforYouth International Competition.