Colegio Torreánaz

Colegio Torreánaz is located in Ánaz, a little valley in Medio Cudeyo, Cantabria. Its main objectives is to give a comprehensive, harmonious and coherent education to its students, based on Christian humanism. The school offers the following educational levels: 2 years (private), Childhood, Primary, Compulsory Secondary, and baccalaureate (Humanities and Social Sciences, and Sciences and Technology), middle-level training program (Administrative Management and Auxiliary Nursing), and Higher Level Training program (Children Educator). The school also offers boarding school to help students to focus on their studies.

STEAM activies are guided by a multidisciplinary group of teachers: Mathematics (Montserrat Cobo Domínguez, Cristina García Aja and Mónica Bonet Quinoya), Sciences (Mª Ilusión Alonso Salces) and Foreign Languages ​​(Rosa Mª Moreno Franco). In particular, Mª Ilusión Alonso Salces was the coordinator of the activity ‘Microorganism in/on everyday objects’, developed in the framework of STEMforYouth project. Mª Ilusión has a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of País Vasco. She has experience in the world of Microbiology.