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13th YERME Summer School (YESS 13)

agosto 23 @ 8:00 am - agosto 28 @ 5:00 pm

The Open STEAM group is thrilled to announce the 13th YERME Summer School (YESS 13), to be hosted at the Universidad de Cantabria from August 23rd to 28th, 2024.

We extend a warm invitation to all PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in mathematics education to participate in the Thirteenth YERME Summer School (YESS 13), jointly organized by the ERME Board, YERME, and the Local Organisers from the Open STEAM group.


  1. Foster International Collaboration: Provide a platform for young researchers from different countries to meet, fostering a friendly and cooperative work environment in the field of mathematics education research.
  2. Peer Discussion and Integration: Facilitate a peer discussion climate where young researchers can compare and integrate their preparations in mathematics education research with the guidance of highly qualified experts from various research areas.
  3. Research Idea Exchange: Enable young researchers to present their research ideas, theoretical thoughts, methodological approaches, or challenges. This platform encourages them to receive valuable suggestions from fellow participants and experts, opening the doors to diverse perspectives and potential collaborations.

For registration and further details, visit YESS 13 website.


agosto 23 @ 8:00 am
agosto 28 @ 5:00 pm


Open STEAM Group
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